Welcome to our new website

What kind of solutions do we offer our customers? What is it like to work at SDC? What do our customers appreciate about being part of the SDC community? All that – and much more – you will find the answers to here on our new website, which we have given some “tender love and care” with a design boost and brand-new content. 

The goal was to make it even easier for you to find relevant information about SDC ... Whether you are coming from a financial institution, and need to know something about our solutions and services, or if you are considering whether SDC could be a future workplace for you. Or something else entirely.

Use the menu 

At the top of the page you will find a number of menu items that will make it easy for you to find your way around the website. This is also where you will find our contact information - and a search function if you cannot find exactly what you are looking for. 
