Strategy 2025: Execute Effective Banking

January 1, 2024 marked a major milestone for SDC. With the heading “Execute Effective Banking”, a new 2-year strategy was launched, based on SDC's strong foundation and Nordic market position.

The strategy covers 2024 and 2025 and focuses on how SDC can continue to deliver value- and revenue generating cross-Nordic solutions to the financial institutions. This cross-Nordic focus is a key part of the strategy and benefits the competitiveness and customer experience in the entire SDC community of financial institutions in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Faroe Islands.

The strategy contains four pillars to help ensure compliance with "Execute Effective Banking":

  • Solution coordinated harvesting
    How SDC becomes even better at, across the entire organization, securing the customer journey from A-Z
  • Execution professionalism
    Continued focus on both customer and employee satisfaction
  • Nordic growth
    Growth on the Norwegian market and strengthened system landscape based on cross-Nordic solutions
  • Operational priority
    Continued focus on operational operations, which are a very important foundation for SDC's business and deliveries

Internal values are part of a meaningful strategy

Throughout the strategy period, our focus is on strengthening the traverse collaboration. Our three internal values act as an important cornerstone to support this collaboration – and thus, help us realize the strategy and fulfill our vision: A great banking experience at a competitive price.

The values are one of the foundations on which the entire strategy is built. Therefore, in Strategy 2025, the internal values will become an even more integrated part of our daily work. 

Read more about our values here



Our vision

A great banking experience at a competitive price.

Our mission

To offer small and medium-sized Nordic banks efficient, user-friendly and open systems via a balanced mix between self-development and collaboration with the best partners in the market.


Framework in place for the execution of Strategy 2025

“We have created the foundation needed for us – in close cooperation with the banks – to ensure SDC's continued progress, execute on Strategy 2025 and thus meet the expectations for Execute Effective Banking.” CEO at SDC, Torben Finnemann.